Adobe Flex Flash developer blog

Adventures of a Flex developer

Sunday 13 November 2011 by jonnysparkplugs

Today I went abseiling for the lilly foundation.  If I'm honest I've never been so scared as I don't like heights.  Any how if I also created a poster to help advertise it myself:

If you are feeling generous you can still donate here

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Metro Air Style application

Thursday 10 November 2011 by jonnysparkplugs

The Metro UI seems to be used in more and more places of late.  Originally I only saw it in the Zune software but its now part of the Windows mobile 7 and the up coming Windows 8 release.  I personally really like it.  Any how I've created a few skins and released this demo Air app. Feel free to take the code and skins and make your own apps metro themed

You can download and run the app here (it does very little apart from look pretty)

Or you can download the source code here


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Cloud computing doodle

Friday 10 June 2011 by jonnysparkplugs

Had a little doodle in photoshop.  If you ever wanted where cloud computers come from:

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Updated egg timer air

Monday 6 June 2011 by jonnysparkplugs

Nothing to exciting but I notice I had a bug in my egg timer app. Unfortunately for me i wrote the app using Flash Builder burrito, and I've since moved the final version. So updated/rewrote the app and gave it a little face lift. The android version has been updated however the playbook version wont be updated until Flash builder 4.5.1 so i'm not writting more beta code :-/

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TabbedViewNavigatorApplication tabBar location

Wednesday 25 May 2011 by jonnysparkplugs

One of the Application types available in Flash builder 4.5 is the TabbedViewNavigatorApplication.  Its a pretty simple but useful starting point which gives you, your navigation for free by creating a button bar at the bottom of the application.

As seen here:

The tab bar as seen in many other applications and in the android OS, as seen in the official twitter app and the managed application view in android:


The only problem with the Tabbed View Navigator Application there doesn't seem to be any easy way to change the position of the tab bar. I would have expected this to be a style setting but weirdly its not included in the 4.5 sdk.

As i'm mostly developing apps for android i'd like to keep it consistent. Although not simple the tab bar can be moved quite easily by creating an Application skin and adding the following code:

    * @private  
   override protected function createChildren():void  
     tabbedNavigator = new TabbedViewNavigator(); = "tabbedNavigator";  
    * @private   
   override protected function measure():void  
     measuredWidth = tabbedNavigator.getPreferredBoundsWidth();  
     measuredHeight = tabbedNavigator.getPreferredBoundsHeight();  
       * @private  
      override protected function layoutContents(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void  
           super.layoutContents(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);  
           tabbedNavigator.setLayoutBoundsSize(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);  
      private function reDrawTB():void  
           tabbedNavigator.y = tabbedNavigator.tabBar.height;  
           tabbedNavigator.tabBar.y = -tabbedNavigator.tabBar.height;            

You can download the project file here and the compiled apk

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Bottle Rocket Dash approved for playbook

Saturday 14 May 2011 by jonnysparkplugs

The playbook version of Bottle Rocket Dash got approved last night. The best thing about writing an application in Adobe air is I can release it on multi-platforms with very little effort.

You can download the app here

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Simple Android Air Highscore (database) example

Wednesday 11 May 2011 by jonnysparkplugs

Flex builder 4.5 makes it pretty simple to persist data within an app.

Air provides the ability to create a SQL lite database, which could be useful for various uses in an application.

In the following example we use the db to score a number and date time stamp.  Bit like a high score table.

The example is pretty simple and all the important logic is handled with in a few functions. The init function is called on load, which then calls two more functions. createdb and updatelistresult. The Create db function checks if the database exists. If not it simply creates a new database.

The update list result function runs a simple command and uses the result as the data provider for the list.

You can download the apk here and the source here

                protected function init(event:FlexEvent):void {  
                private function createDb():void {  
                     sqlConnection = new SQLConnection();  
                     var stmt:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();  
                     stmt.sqlConnection = sqlConnection;  
                     stmt.text = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS highscore (highscoreid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, score INTEGER, date DATE)";                      
                private function updateListResults():void {  
                     var sqlStatement:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();  
                     sqlStatement.sqlConnection = sqlConnection;  
                     sqlStatement.text = "SELECT * FROM highscore ORDER BY score DESC";  
                     var result:SQLResult = sqlStatement.getResult();  
                     listData.source =;  
                private function addRecord():void {  
                     if(Number(num.text) is Number) {  
                          var sqlStatement:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();  
                          sqlStatement.sqlConnection = sqlConnection;  
                          sqlStatement.text =  
                               "INSERT INTO highscore (score, date) " +  
                               "VALUES (:score, :date)";  
                          sqlStatement.parameters[":score"] = num.text;  
                          sqlStatement.parameters[":date"] = new Date();  

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