Adobe Flex Flash developer blog

Adventures of a Flex developer

Robot legs is the best framework!

Thursday, 21 October 2010 by jonnysparkplugs

I recently attended Flex and the city; I was most excited to hear Richard Lord’s talk about frameworks. As I have been experimenting with Flex 4 (Flash Builder) and looking to move away from the cairngorm framework 2 as it is no longer developed and it has been superseded by cairngorm 3. Which is more designed to complement another framework and isn’t one itself. I’ve looked into various frameworks and was recommended by a friend to use experiment with robot legs.

Although he Richard didn’t say what framework was the best (for many reasons or although the most important was on the type of project). He did surmise that robot legs fitted the requirements of the majority of projects, and he seemed to highly recommend it!

You can view his slides here

I much preferred the 2nd Flash camp meet up in London then the 1st one as it was aimed at Flex developers rather than Flash. Although it would have been useful for Flash developers to attend as well.

Finally got some good freebies at the event! Thanks Adobe

I’ll post my experiments with robot legs here and hopefully it will help other learn the framework.

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