Adobe Flex Flash developer blog

Adventures of a Flex developer

Sunday, 13 November 2011 by jonnysparkplugs

Today I went abseiling for the lilly foundation.  If I'm honest I've never been so scared as I don't like heights.  Any how if I also created a poster to help advertise it myself:

If you are feeling generous you can still donate here

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Metro Air Style application

Thursday, 10 November 2011 by jonnysparkplugs

The Metro UI seems to be used in more and more places of late.  Originally I only saw it in the Zune software but its now part of the Windows mobile 7 and the up coming Windows 8 release.  I personally really like it.  Any how I've created a few skins and released this demo Air app. Feel free to take the code and skins and make your own apps metro themed

You can download and run the app here (it does very little apart from look pretty)

Or you can download the source code here


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